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QA Testing Training on Banking Domain Project
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Contact Personragaveni
Contact Emailragaveni.iitworkforce@gmail.com
Price: $ 121
Banking systems are probably the most composite of the IT systems we have. They encompass a whole range of banking services like – Bank accounts, #CreditCards, #DebitCards, #Loans, #Stocks, transfers, international transactions, funds, payroll, payments, etc. Why Real Time Work Experience Matters..? > Are you new to IT? > Have you been training yourself but are not able to succeed in the interviews due to lack of experience? > Do you have gaps in your career and need a reliable platform to gain back your groove? > Does your resume lack real time experience and you need help building it? > Have your interviews or vendor calls been unsuccessful due to lack of direction? > Are you not able to provide reliable references to vouch for your professional expertise? > The iiT Work Force “Building Experience” program is the answer to all your questions What we offer? > We provide hands on practical work experience on real time projects to all our enrolls. > Help in building a resume that reflects their skills and experience gained working with us > Impart confidence by training our students to face job interviews > Provide job placement assistance by submitting our trainees resume to our vendors / clients / recruiters > Provide project related references > Support our trainees in their new jobs. Contact us: http://www.iitworkforce.com/projects/banking-finance/ Email: work@iiTworkforce.com Call: 408-715-7889