Search Results On aventure


  • biggest thrill seekers, biggest thrill seekers, biggest thrill seekers coming out of south america, Aventure

    Biggest thrill seekers coming out of South America 2013-10-01 10:10:54

    Adventure travel is on the rise around the world, with thrill-seekers in Europe and South America driving up growth. That’s according to a recently released report by the Adventure Travel Trade Association which looked at adventure travel trends out of...

    Keywords: Biggest thrill-seekers coming out of South America., south america, biggest thrill seekers, biggest thrill seekers

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    Cancer fighter, LA protest, la protest prompted to cancel fund raising for cancer fighters, Aventure

    LA protest prompted to cancel fund-raising for cancer fighters !! 2016-11-16 12:26:47

    Thousands gathered into downtown Los Angeles over the weekend, shutting down several streets as they protested against Donald Trump. But many demonstrators don’t know that their protest prompted the cancellation of a fundraiser for firefighters battling cancer. The Firefighter Cancer...

    Keywords: Cancer fighter, Cancer fighter, Protest against trump, Protest against trump

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